

By Meylisa Agustina - 11:09 AM


I do love nail art! walaupun koleksi nail polishku bukan yang mahal-mahal (alias yg harga gocengan) but I always love to polishing my nail with nail polish.

talk about nail art, aku pribadi belum pernah beli utensils yang bener-bener buat nail art. Aku selalu pake bahan atau alat pengganti buat nail art.

Instead of using nail art brush, I use toothpicks. Instead of using dotting tools, I use hairpin. And... Instead of using acrylic paint, I use POSTER COLOR.


YEP! Poster Color!!


Poster color (cat poster) ini ga jauh beda sama Water Color (cat air). Cuma kalo poster color satu warna satu pot gede-gede. Kalo dari segi tekstur, poster color jauh lebih pekat dibanding water color. Kalo poster color dikeringin, dia bakal jadi kayak lapisan karet gitu, jadi kalo udah kering ga bisa di solvent lagi... tapi kalo water color, kalo udah kering pun masih bisa di solvent pake air~~

about the price??

untuk merk SNOWMAN ini harganya kira-kira IDR 5.000. kalo merk SAKURA bisa IDR 10.000. well in my opinion, SAKURA lebih oke kualitasnya.

and this is the tutorial!!

a. polish your nails with your favourite nail polish
b. solvent the poster color/water color with water. don't too much yaa~~ cukup celupin painting brung ke air, terus mix it with the paint.
c. with a toothpick, gambar sesuka hatimu on your nails.
d. well. di jari telunjukku itu efek dari gambar pake paint brush. mungkin karena paint brush-nya kegedean juga kali ya... on the other nail, I use toothpicks.
e & f last but not least, coat the nails! on the left hand I use spiral-spiral motif and the right hand I use (fail) leopard.

that's all the tutorial!!

you can make other motif or maybe other masterpice (try make monalisa on your nail)~~

so, see you when I see you, have a nice day y'all!!

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1 komentar

  1. wahh, bisa nih dipraktekkin di rumah nail artnya.
    btw, aku suka banget sama lagu di blogmu, ini lagunya cinderellakan yah?
    kamu punya versi yg cinderellanya ga?
    aku mau dong dearrrr >.<


terimakasih banyak :)